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Rubber Moulds India

Why Usha Rubbers?

Usha Rubbers is a global leader in wet cast concrete supplies. Strategically poised in two locations in India, our firm provides global technical support and assistance to all our clients. Our team of qualified technicians is committed to providing you with utmost care and address any and all queries you might have related to the industry. Our wide selection of products offers a complete solution to all trade and industrial queries, making us a one stop shop for everything from planning to execution to service. We bring 27 years of unmatched experience to the table in the paving industry. Our technicians have helped build unmatched empires for our clients in the auxiliary construction industry. With round the clock support and on-site training for most parts of the world, Usha Rubbers is your one stop solution for all of your paving and tiling manufacturing needs.

Our Highlights

Our business model has found great success in all regions majorly due to one reason: we produce only one quality of products. While competitors resort to lower quality products, Usha Rubbers offers you the best products with uniformity and no compromise on quality. We offer holistic support to all our clients. All products and services required for an effective paver manufacturing unit can be found at Usha Rubbers. Our wide range of products and well trained technicians ensure you get the perfect care, products and knowledge each time. 24X7 service is one of our key service highlights. No problem goes without a solution at Usha Rubbers. Online on-site support ensures that we are with you for your every business need.

The Plastic Trend

Any industry is bound to experience many strategic changes over its life cycle. The paving and tiling industry too has witnessed such a change in demand and supply. More clients want more designs with shorter turnaround times for a lower price. The traditional moulding methods were not flexible enough to support this volatile demand. It is here that Plastic Moulds have shown their strength. The cost of plastic moulds is only 1/4th the cost incurred in traditional moulding and the fit and finish of products created using plastic moulds are no less than any other methods. AtomTECH™ brand of plastic paver moulds proved to be the generational leap that this field would need.

The Usha Rubbers Edge

We at Usha Rubbers are at the cutting edge of technology and our finger is firmly on the pulse of the market. Our ever increasing gallery of 400+ designs are a small testament to our resounding success. Our multilingual support team stay in touch with you constantly, ensuring that every need and practical difficulty in production is addressed and resolved. Our team of industry exposed Technicians cater to your every technical query, ensuring that you get maximum returns on your investment. At Usha Rubbers, we build trust.

Why Usha Plastic Moulds?

Usha Rubbers introduces the world’s first high quality virgin plastic moulds. Our AtomTECH™ brand moulds are the result of 10 years of research and development. Made with Grade 5 Plastic, our eco-friendly AtomTECH™ brand moulds are made with German Quick Release Technology for increased demoulding efficiency. Our raw materials are sourced from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and UAE. The virgin raw materials ensure that our products offer the same strength and quality on the first and the thousandth use. Our AtomTECH™ moulds are built for rough use. With increased durability, we offer support pillars, wings, chamfered edges and tapering to ensure increased mould life. Usha’s AtomTECH™ Plastic moulds are designed for optimal Vibration Transfer and accurate Design Transfer. This ensures easier and hassle free production. The 100% virgin plastic moulds ensure that the attractive textures on the moulds are transferred exactly onto the finished paver block.

Plastic Demoulding Machine: A Game Changer

One of the long standing complaints about Plastic Moulds was their difficulty in the demoulding process. After years of research, Usha Rubbers have achieved the impossible. We have manufactured plastic moulds that are not only easy to use, but demould faster than any other type of moulds. This is done with the help our Typhoon: the specialised, low cost demoulding machine that increases demoulding speed up to 4 times!

The formula is always right.

The success factor of any paver unit lies in its formula. We, at Usha Rubbers, have strived hard for years with various experiments, carried out with expert chemical engineers to arrive at the right formula for paver production. We provide the right ratio of chemicals and ingredients, customised to your locality and weather conditions to provide the most consistent output across all stages of the production cycle. We help you utilise locally available materials optimally, having our chemical engineers visit your site to test all materials to offer you the right formulae for each client. Up to m45 strength is obtainable using our moulds.

Why this field?

The construction industry the world over has been booming for many decades now. With many new technologies making its way into mainstream usage, the auxiliary construction sector has witnessed phenomenal growth. Moulds and Machineries manufactured by Usha Rubbers are being exported to more than 35 countries in 5 continents. Be a part of this amazing, global growth story by partnering with the most trustworthy company in the auxiliary construction business.

Entrepreneurs hear here!

One of the most rewarding experiences in life is to earn your own income by being your own boss. Usha Rubbers supports this vision and we strive to support entrepreneurs. Our products and consultancy are geared towards giving you the best shot in making your business a huge success. Usha Rubbers salutes your entrepreneurial spirit and we strive to provide any and all support necessary to make your dreams come true. The investments required to begin your own paver unit can be as lows Rs. 1 Lakh. This small investment presents a solid business opportunity that will return many times over on itself.


Usha Rubbers proudly informs you that we have the largest Showroom for Paving blocks and floor tiles in India. Clients can explore new combinations and latest design trends at our showrooms in Thrissur, Kerala.

Live Demonstration

We understand the concern that many of the clients have about the feasibility of plastic moulds and their demoulding. We offer on-site live demonstration with our own demoulding machine at no cost to the client only at our factory premises in Thrissur, Kerala, India. Your satisfaction is our number one priority.

Consult with the best

Starting a new business is always exciting, and also terrifying. We, at Usha Rubbers, are with you every step of the way. Beginning from helping you with receiving the right financing, the best business practices, GST registration and consultation for receiving subsidies, the financial wizards at Usha Rubbers ensures that you make the right moves to earn the most out of your decisions. Want help receiving your own MUDRA loans? You have come to the right place! For our esteemed international clients, rest assured that Usha Rubbers has your back. We provide project reports and financial analyses as well as quotes for approvals for financial aids from your bank. We are more than happy to serve your every need in procuring the best quality product.

Social Outlook

Paver making industries and other landscaping industries are a great avenue for employment generation. Such auxiliary constriction industries have a great way of contributing to the social fabric of any location. Microfinance Institutions have made great headway in South India. Women’s Self Help Groups (SHGs) are always on the lookout for sustainable, low cost business models. After years of fine tuning our strategies, Usha Rubbers have managed to come up with a low cost, high revenue, labour intensive business plan that has found considerable success. We help SHGs with a ready business plan, project report and cost analysis that provides employment opportunities for social improvement. Any cooperative society who wants to successfully generate employment with a sizeable income are welcome to Usha Rubbers. We are the industry leaders interlocking machine manufacturing, interlocking paver block moulds and chemical supply.

Accessories – stepping stones to success

Some of the best and most creative solutions to paving problems are achieved with products from Usha Rubbers. Our stacking trays and spacer bushes ensure easy and secure stacking. Couple this with the dimensional uniformity offered by our products and you have a sure shot consistent output on your hands. Anti-bulging support pillars and tapered edges provide the stability for our moulds that no competitor can claim. On top of this, we make accurate designs from nature. Each paver or tile produced using products by Usha Rubbers is an engineering marvel. From natural rock designs to more trendy modern designs, we offer every design imaginable. We update our gallery regularly and offer you designs as per the latest trends. Edge chipping is never a problem with our products.

Chemicals – A mystery no more!

One of the benefits of being the largest player in a field is the knowledge that comes with the experience. We recommend the best chemicals and oxides for all our clients so that you are able to maximise your revenue without having to waste time experimenting. Our no compromise on quality policy ensures that your products are always up to the mark, no matter the condition. We recommend and procure the best chemicals and oxides that can be used to give the best product for you.

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